प्रशिक्षण एवं सेवायोजन निदेशालय उत्तर प्रदेश
व्यावसायिक शिक्षा एवं कौशल विकास विभाग, उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार
आई0टी0आई0 प्रोफाईल

Basic Details

SCVT Code 4225
NCVT MIS Code pu0088655
District Agra
Tehsil Kheragarh
PIN Code 283119
Complete Postal Address XQRX+Q4M, Dooda Dhari, Sarenda, Uttar Pradesh 283121
Office Landline No. 000
Office Mobile No. 9627770102
Office Alternate No. NA
Email ID gitikharagarh@gmail.com
Twitter Handle az
Facebook ID gfds
You Tube Channel gitikhaeragarh
Lattitude NA
Lattitude NA

Principal Details

Name : Amit kumar
Date of Birth : 05/07/1997
Date of Retirement : 01/05/2059
Batch : 2020
Email ID : amitkumarrbcet690@gmail.com
Mobile No : 9627770102
WhatsApp No : 9627770102
Twitter Handle : NA
Facebook ID : NA

Manager Details

Name : Amit kumar
Date of Birth : 15/04/1993
Email ID : projects@avplinternational.com
Mobile No : 9991121126
WhatsApp No : 9991121126
Twitter Handle : NA
Facebook ID : NA

Training & Placement Cell Details

Name of Placement Cell In-Charge Amit kumar
Designation of Placement Cell In-Charge PRINCIPAL CLASS-II
Mobile No of Placement Cell In-Charge 9627770102
Email ID of Placement Cell In-Charge amitkumarrbcet690@gmail.com
Other Member Details
Sr.No. Member Name Mobile No. Designation
1 sachin singh 8700382973 INSTRUCTOR

Trade Details (Non DST)

Admitted Trainees(Current Session 2022) 0
Trade Name Trade Duration (Months) Trade Type Shift NCVT Unit SCVT Unit Uploaded Affiliation (NCVT) Uploaded Affiliation (SCVT)
Fitter 24 E 1 1 0 View  
Fitter 24 E 2 3 0 View  
Fitter 24 E 3 2 0 View  
Electrician 24 E 1 1 0 View  
Electrician 24 E 2 2 0 View  
Electrician 24 E 3 3 0 View  
Welder 12 E 1 1 0 View  
Welder 12 E 2 2 0 View  
Welder 12 E 3 3 0 View  
Fashion Design & Technology 12 N 1 1 0 View  
Fashion Design & Technology 12 N 2 2 0 View  
Fashion Design & Technology 12 N 3 3 0 View  
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant 12 N 1 1 0 View  
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant 12 N 2 2 0 View  
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant 12 N 3 3 0 View  
Drone Pilot (Junior) 6 N 1 1 0 View  
Drone Pilot (Junior) 6 N 2 2 0 View  
Drone Pilot (Junior) 6 N 3 3 0 View  
Drone Technician 6 N 1 1 0 View  
Drone Technician 6 N 2 2 0 View  
Drone Technician 6 N 3 3 0 View  

Staff Sanctioned and Filled Post Details

Sr.No. Designation Sub-Designation Trade Name (For Instructors) Sanctioned Posts Filled Posts Vacant Posts Remarks

Staff Details (Working in Institute)

Sr.No. Designation Sub-Designation Trade Name (For Instructors) Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms) Date of Birth Date of Retirement Mobile Number E-Mail ID Image
1 PRINCIPAL CLASS-I Amit kumar 05/07/1997 02/03/2052 9627770102 amitkumarrbcet690@gmail.com ~/Content/StaffPhoto/4225_5_638587945631774094.jpg

Photo Gallery

Sr.No. Gallery Type Image1 Image2
1 Building