प्रशिक्षण एवं सेवायोजन निदेशालय उत्तर प्रदेश
व्यावसायिक शिक्षा एवं कौशल विकास विभाग, उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार
आई0टी0आई0 प्रोफाईल

Basic Details

SCVT Code 4232
NCVT MIS Code 4232
District Kushinagar
Tehsil Kasya
Block HATA
PIN Code 274402
Complete Postal Address kurahawa ahirauli bazar
Office Landline No. 9415275630
Office Mobile No. 9838832315
Office Alternate No. 9984289140
Email ID gyantidevipvtiti1@gmail.com
Twitter Handle radheshyam gupta
Facebook ID radheshyam gupta
You Tube Channel radheshyam gupta
Lattitude NA
Lattitude NA

Principal Details

Date of Birth : 05/07/1987
Date of Retirement : 04/07/2047
Batch : 2008
Email ID : ajeetyadav842368@gmail.com
Mobile No : 9415275635
WhatsApp No : 9415275635
Twitter Handle : bajrang bali
Facebook ID : bajrang

Manager Details

Date of Birth : 14/01/1988
Email ID : mdddcollege9838@gmail.com
Mobile No : 9919536044
WhatsApp No : 9919536044
Twitter Handle : DHRUV KUMAR GUPTA

Training & Placement Cell Details

Name of Placement Cell In-Charge basukinath singh fiiter
Designation of Placement Cell In-Charge VICE PRINCIPAL
Mobile No of Placement Cell In-Charge 9919535341
Email ID of Placement Cell In-Charge gyantidevipvtiti1@gmil.com
Other Member Details
Sr.No. Member Name Mobile No. Designation
1 anand kumar srivasatava 9838832315 FOREMAN-TRAINING OFFICER
2 sanjeev kumar 9415275635 INSTRUCTOR
3 anubha singh 7275040484 PRINCIPAL CLASS-I
4 ashok kumar 9838831544 PRINCIPAL CLASS-II

Institute Management Committee Details

Name of IMC matadhanmati devi ramjatan gupta education trust
Name of IMC Chairman radheshyam gupta
Mobile Number of IMC Chairman 9838832315
Email ID of IMC Chairman mdddcollege9838@gmail.com
Industry Name of IMC Chairman radheshyam gupta
Sector of IMC Industry rural
Name of IMC Secretary dhruv kumar gupta
Mobile Number of IMC Secretary 9919536044
IMC Member Details
Sr.No. Member Name Establishment Name Designation
1 radheshyam gupta chairman chairmain
2 dhruv kumar gupta vice chairman vice chairman
3 gyanti gupta caishiyar caishiyar
4 ajay kumar gupta member member
5 nathuni prasad gupta member member
6 suman gupta member member
7 priya gupta member member
8 sidhhi gupta member member
9 smriti gupta member member

Trade Details (Non DST)

Admitted Trainees(Current Session 2022) 0
Trade Name Trade Duration (Months) Trade Type Shift NCVT Unit SCVT Unit Uploaded Affiliation (NCVT) Uploaded Affiliation (SCVT)
Electrician 24 E 1 40 0 View  
Electrician 24 E 2 40 0 View  

Trade Details (DST)

Trade Name Trade Duration (Months) Trade Type Industry Name Industry Partner Name Industry Partner Address Industry Partner Mobile No. Shift NCVT Unit SCVT Unit Uploaded Affiliation (NCVT) Uploaded Affiliation (SCVT)
Fitter (DST) 24 E rural dhruv kumar gupta kurahawa ahirauli bazar kushinagar 9919536044 1 2 2 View View
Fitter (DST) 24 E rural dhruv kumar gupta kurahawa ahirauli bazar kushinagar 9919536044 2 2 2 View View

Staff Sanctioned and Filled Post Details

Sr.No. Designation Sub-Designation Trade Name (For Instructors) Sanctioned Posts Filled Posts Vacant Posts Remarks
1 PRINCIPAL CLASS-I 1 1 0 good gob

Staff Details (Working in Institute)

Sr.No. Designation Sub-Designation Trade Name (For Instructors) Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms) Date of Birth Date of Retirement Mobile Number E-Mail ID Image
1 PRINCIPAL CLASS-II umesh yadav 01/01/1962 30/12/2032 9984409240 niralaji2019@gmail.com ~/Content/StaffPhoto/4232_3_638606205671247686.jpeg
2 FOREMAN-TRAINING OFFICER anshu kumar 20/08/1997 19/08/2057 6392242805 kumaranshu55748@ggmail.com ~/Content/StaffPhoto/4232_4_638606207477828832.jpeg
3 PRINCIPAL CLASS-I bajrang bali 05/07/1987 04/07/2047 9415275630 kumaranshu55748@ggmail.com ~/Content/StaffPhoto/4232_5_638606208861046304.jpeg
4 OFFICE AND OTHERS clurck girija singh 15/07/1996 14/07/2064 9265068273 kumaranshu55748@ggmail.com ~/Content/StaffPhoto/4232_6_638606210838898233.jpeg
5 VICE PRINCIPAL basuki nath 26/07/1991 25/07/2051 9919532144 mdddcollege9838@gmail.com ~/Content/StaffPhoto/4232_1_638599333219464869.jpeg
6 INSTRUCTOR Fitter krishanand singh 01/05/1969 30/04/2029 9984070017 mdddcollege9838@gmail.com ~/Content/StaffPhoto/4232_2_638606204145299566.jpeg

Trade Photo Gallery

Sr.No. Trade Name Image
1 Electrician

Photo Gallery

Sr.No. Gallery Type Image1 Image2
1 ITI Lab
2 Smart Class
3 ITI Library
4 Other
5 Skill Lab
6 Entry Gate
7 Building